The BRIQ Journal is excited to announce a call for papers for its forthcoming special issue dedicated to exploring Latin America as a pivotal region in the global landscape of progressive movements and resistance against U.S. hegemony. This issue aims to delve into the multifaceted roles that Latin America plays in world politics, particularly focusing on its contributions to and engagements with global resistance movements, anti-imperialist efforts, and the shaping of a multipolar world order.
We invite submissions in the form of articles, essays, book reviews, and interviews that address a broad range of topics related to this theme. Potential areas of focus include, but are not limited to:
- The global significance of Latin America in world politics
- Historical and contemporary U.S. interventions in the region
- Latin America’s resistance to imperialism and neocolonialism
- Contributions of Latin America to the development of a multipolar world
- Analysis of the “Pink Tide” movements, including the challenges, prospects, and achievements of left-leaning governments in Latin America
- Regional unity efforts in Latin America
- The role of regional and international alliances, relationships with BRICS countries, and interactions with China
- Brazil’s initiative within the BRICS framework
- China-Latin America relations and the progress of the Belt and Road Initiative in the region.
We are seeking contributions in English, Spanish, French, and Turkish from a wide variety of backgrounds, including academics, activists, policymakers, and scholars from disciplines such as political economy, geopolitics, international relations, sociology, and history. This call aims to gather diverse perspectives to provide a comprehensive analysis of Latin America’s role in the current global context.
To ensure accessibility and broader dissemination of accepted papers, all contributions selected for publication will be translated into English and Turkish. Authors are encouraged to submit their original research in any of the aforementioned languages, and the BRIQ will manage the translation process for the final published versions in the special issue.
Submission Guidelines
BRIQ (Belt & Road Initiative Quarterly) is a scholarly journal of international politics, economy, and culture. Belt and Road Initiative Quarterly (BRIQ) features a broad range of content, from academic articles to book reviews, review essays, interviews, news reports, and feature articles.
The Editorial Board can issue calls for papers for special issues and invite authors to contribute manuscripts; however, it also welcomes unsolicited submissions.
Submissions are invited in English or Turkish. All submissions are to include a short biography (150-word limit) and should be sent as Microsoft Word attachments to briq@briqjournal.com . Articles or other content that have been previously published or are under review by other journals will not be considered for publication. BRIQ follows American Psychology Association style (6th edition, https://www.apastyle.org) and uses American English spelling.
BRIQ uses a double-blind review process for all academic articles. Academic articles should be between 5,000 and 9,000 words in length, including abstracts, notes, references, and all other content. Please supply a cover page that includes complete author information, and a fully anonymized manuscript that also contains an abstract (200- word limit) and 5 keywords. Book reviews should not exceed 1,000 words; review essays covering two or more works can be up to 3,000 words.
News reports consisting of brief analyses of news developments should not exceed 1,500 words; feature articles combining reporting and analysis can be up to 3,500 words.
Please contact the Editorial Board for interview proposals.