Bagana, C. (2020). Chairman of the board of directors of Onur Air Cankut Bagana: “If Turkey defines and sets the goals that will make a difference in the world, ıt will benefit from this crisis!” (Adnan Akfırat, Interviwer). Belt & Road Initiative Quarterly, 1(3), 18-20.

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Mr. Bagana graduated from the Faculty of Law, Istanbul University. He started his career as tour leader in 1965 and worked as manager in different working areas of the tourism industry until 1975. He established Incoming Travel Agency in 1975 and joined Ten Tour as one of the founders and shareholders in 1980. In 1985, he started to work personally in Ten Tour. He served as Onur Air joined with Ten Tour in 1994. He is President of Onur Air since 2013. He speaks French, German, English and Italian.
* Translated by Salih Ertan
We think that if Turkey defines and sets the goals that will make a difference in the world, it will benefit from this crisis. We shall produce. The sectors selected and assigned highest priority should not change for the next 20-30 years. We will be the best in the world. We will sell and buy products. Our efforts will be backed up by our logistics power, coupled with transit trade opportunities. In short, we will both produce and trade with the whole world. Those nations who study their lesson well and set clear and fixed goals for themselves can easily transit to tomorrow’s world without the need to demolish today’s world. However, this is only true as long as they carry on the goals that make a difference in the world, with strict and persistent discipline.