
Kılkış, B. (2024). Perspective Piece The Urgency of A New Carbon Market for Turkic States and the Belt & Road. BRIQ Belt and Road Initiative Quarterly, 5(4), 448-454.


Until 2053, various measures are being taken to keep global warming below 1.5°C by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and to reduce the concentration of CO2 gas in the atmosphere to 280 ppm (parts per million). The West is trying to impose impositions such as carbon tax at the border and carbon trade, which are not based on real foundations and will not yield results, on all countries, including our country, the Turkic Republics and all eastern countries. The inconsistencies in the European Union's decarbonization initiatives are reaching significant dimensions. The biggest threat from the West lies in the fact that the main economies of Asian countries, with the exception of the Turkic Republics and large developed countries (such as China and India, the Russian Federation is already being subjected to disproportionate sanctions), are based on agriculture, animal husbandry, mining and semi-finished goods production. In fact, EU countries are in need of us as intermediate products. This is a trump card. We need to optimize this as we move to the final product industry. To overcome all these challenges, a series of sustainable measures must be taken and the beltway borders must be protected.

Keywords: carbon emissions, carbon market, decarbonization, green transformation, Turkic Republics.