Profile picture for user Bülent Güçubuk- Doğan Başaran

Bülent Gülçubuk graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Economics. He is currently working as “Prof. Dr.” in the same department. He has been working and lecturing on Rural Development, Agricultural Development, Rural Sociology, Agricultural Policy, Entrepreneurship. Between 2002-2009, he was a member of the UN Global Environment Forum Türkiye Steering Committee. He is the Director of “Ankara University Development Studies Application and Research Center”. He is a member of International Agricultural Economics Association, World Rural Sociology Association and European Sociology Association. He was the Chairman of the 10th and 11th Five-Year Development Plan and the Rural Development Commission in the 2nd and 3rd Agriculture and Forestry Councils. He is the Secretary General of the Turkish World Agricultural Union.


Doğan Başaran holds a bachelor’s degree in Agriculture and a master’s degree in Engineering in Remote Sensing/Satellite Technology from Ege University. His professional career spans a wide range of fields including television broadcasting, international organizations, event management, strategic planning and market analysis. He is the co-founder and CEO of AGRO TV Türkiye and Azerbaijan. He is the founding president of the Turkic World Agricultural Union.
