Profile picture for user Luis Kato Maldonado ve Guadalupe Huerta Moreno
Luis Kato Maldonado & Guadalupe Huerta Moreno

Luis Kato Maldonado is Senior Professor Researcher in the Department of Economics at UAMAzcapotzalco. He completed his undergraduate education in Economics at UAM-A, received his master’s degree in Economics, with specialization Political Economy of Science and Technology from UNAM, and earned his Ph.D. in Economics from National Autonomous University of Mexico. He published several research articles as an experienced national researcher.

Guadalupe Huerta Moreno is Professor Researcher in the Department of Business Administration of Metropolitan Autonomous University-Azcapotzalco. She completed her undergraduate education in Business Administration at Metropolitan Autonomous University-Azcapotzalco. She earned her PhD in Economics from National Autonomous University of Mexico. She is a member of the research project PAPIIT (2020) at National Autonomous University of Mexico. She has several publications, awards, and honors as a national researcher candidate.