
Iratni, B. (2024). China’s Strategic Involvement in Africa and the New International Mutations: Old Policies, New challenges. BRIQ Belt and Road Initiative Quarterly, 5(3), 288-309.


Chinese engagement in Africa brought mixed academic commentaries regarding the aims and objectives pursued by this country. Whether referred to as a search for China’s empowerment at the expense of African development or as a reliable partnership to enhance the status of the non- Western world, China’s immersion in Africa appear unconventional, and innovative compared to the designs pursued by other major powers in their dealings with the African continent. In China’s vision, Africa occupies a special place for historic reasons, identity considerations, and a common destiny, beyond sharing strategic and economic interests. Beijing has become in the last decade, Africa’s most important partner in terms of political relationships, direct investments, trade exchanges and financial assistance. China is trying to adapt to the world’s new underpinnings and seems to take into consideration the changing priorities of Africa in the context of the looming East /West cold war, induced mainly, by the Ukraine-Russia war.

Keywords: Africa, China, cooperation, Ukraine-Russia war, world mutations.