Profile picture for user Shu Zhan - Hao Ruiqi
Shu Zhan - Hao Ruiqi

Shu Zhan is a member of the Academic Committee of Fuzhou University, the leader of the first-level disciplines in the School of Marxism, and the director of the “Research Center for Xi Jinping's Socialism Thought with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era” of the Fujian Provincial Social Science Research Base of Fuzhou University. She is mainly engaged in research on international political economy and Chinese Marxism. She has headed and completed more than ten projects of the National Social Science Foundation of China, Humanities and Social Sciences Projects of the Ministry of Education, and provincial and departmental projects. She has published more than 90 articles in Marxist Studies and Contemporary Economic Studies, and most of his articles have been

Email: ORCID: 0009-0005-4477-6585

Hao Ruiqi is a PhD student at the School of Marxism, Harbin Institute of Technology. He specializes in Marxism Theory.

Email: ORCID: 0009-0001-0419-7651