Cem Gürdeniz graduated from the Naval Academy International Relations Department in 1979. He completed his post graduate project on ‘Personal and Education Analysis’ in Naval Postgraduate School/USA (1983-1985). He received a master’s degree from Universite Libre Bruxelles (ULB) on International Politics. He was assigned as the Commodore for the 3 Frigate Flotilla. Concluding the BH Strategy Branch in Plans and Policy Division at Turkish Naval Forces HQ, he was promoted to Rear Admiral (LH) and assumed the duty until 2005. He became Division Head for the Plans and Policy Division at Turkish Naval Forces HQ (2005-2007). Then he was posted as the Commander of the Landing Forces and by promoting to Rear Admiral (UH) to Commander of the Mine Fleet Command. He assumed the duty of Division Head of the Plans and Policy Division at Turkish Naval Forces HQ for the second time. He was arrested with false evidence in the so-called Sledgehammer Case on February 11, 2011, and was convicted for 18 years. He was freed by the Constitutional Court’s decision to retrial on 19 June 2014 and was acquitted on 9 June 2015. Admiral (R) Gürdeniz speaks French and English fluently and has 22 articles published in Turkish Navy Bulletin. He is also the author of a number of publications including Turkish Navy Handbook, Naval Terms Dictionary English/Turkish and Turkish/English and Turkish Naval Fleet (prestigious book), Cumhuriyet Donanması, Açık Denizlere Doğru Deniz Kuvvetleri, Hedefteki Donanma and Amatör Denizciler İçin Acil Durum Seyri. He is the author of the weekly column named “Mavi Vatan” in Aydınlık newspaper. He still serves as the Founding Director of Koç University Maritime Forum.